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London to Brighton home

Page history last edited by Leankyle 14 years, 1 month ago

Londoners - you need to get out of the city more!


Brighton is one of the UK's most exciting places - so we're planning to go there THIS FRIDAY! (July 2nd)


Brighton - sculpture on the beach by Pauldc.


Essentially, it will be DIY. You'll need to book and buy your own hotel/train ticket - but this is a chance to do something as a group. We will help organise an evening gathering though, leave that to us!


If there are things, people, businesses you'd like to see - crack on and get in touch with them. You may want to use the hashtag #ldntbn




July 2nd, leaving lunchtime and returning July 3rd.





Put your name down as attending here, and use this to get in contact with individuals you might like to meet with.




A rough schedule here, add your own dinners and events as you see fit.



WE HAVE A SECTION BOOKED IN THE BAR AT MYHOTEL FROM 9PM FOR DRINKS AND CHATTING http://tinyurl.com/22vxkps - it's in the middle of town



The list of Brighton companies is here Brighton Companies. Use the page to book meeting slots




A few of us are staying in these hotels, plus a link to Visit Brighton

We visted theantique furniture mall.


Comments (1)

Leankyle said

at 7:53 pm on Jul 22, 2010

Very ideal place to go.
I am just wondering, what is that thing seems like a broken pottery?

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